Coming up in about 8 hours which will be their sunset, 0745 GMT, will be the last night for 160 M. They will alternate FT8 and CW depending on what they can hear. They had in operation yesterday to USA on 160 two rx antenna in diversity mode but it appears that storms on the Pacific are causing so much noise they cant hear through them. It is quieter toward EU. Dietmar, DL3DXX is there on 160 a lot and he is a world class 160 DXpeditioner so you know he is doing everything he can to pull out stations.
They will also on 80 do CW and FT8. Hoping for more 40 SSB and possibly more 30 RTTY.
They will start some teardown after sunrise tomorrow but try and keep as many stations going as possible until departure on the 16th.
They had a glitch in the logging program which prevented upload to Club Log today but that is fixed now and Clublog is up to date. They are at around 40 K QSO.
Band conditions have been awful. They said they were calling most all day SSB until they were blue in the face on the higher bands and no one coming back.