Back on track

November 8, 2017

We finally got back on track with our back channel comm so hopefully smoother from here on in.  They have all the computers uploading  to Clublog now and should be up to date.  The number they show on their computers matches with Clublog so if you don’t see your Q in Clublog I would consider reworking them.

They lost one of their laptops to the sea during unloading so they had to reconfigure one on the fly.

Please watch for them on 7120 SSB during their darkness anywhere from around 07 to 19 Z and please spot as sometimes they don’t get seen down there.  Using that frequency due to all the nets/ragchew above 7125.

Remember OC and AF can call anytime including CQ  EU , NA, AS etc.    When CQ NA that means NA and SA okay to call.