Category Archives: Updates

Poor conditions

They are in the same boat as us with extreme poor propagation .. K back up to 5.  Could barely hear them on 17 SSB today and they gave up due to no answers.  Some signal on 20 M for a while but it finally faded.  On the low bands they say all signals are at the noise… Read More »

Bad weather

The are experiencing heavy wind storms that are ripping their tents and testing the limits of their antennas.  Sound like they are having to do a lot of repair work.  They did mention being on 80 CW for EU just before their sunset and shortly afterward.

SSB / CW 17 M

They have been on 17 CW and SSB most all afternoon here.  Their CW sig is stronger.  On SSB please give your full call.  They do not want partial calls.  Conditions still not good but slowly recovering  A/K   22/3

Poor Propagation Condition

They are still plugging away under very poor propagation due to old man sun.  Flux of 68, A 47 and K 4.  Far from anything good.  Hopefully that will improve to give some higher QSO rates.  As always, and pass the word, OC and AF can call anytime even on directive CQ;s ie CQ NA etc.  When CQ… Read More »

Storms and birds

They were having a major wind storm this morning and I think one kept them off the air some yesterday.  The smell is awful there due to all the bird dung.  Still another 7 days to go so they should make most happy.  They have over 25 K QSO up to now.

Two modes same band

In case you might be wondering they have the stations/antennas set up where two stations can be on the same band.  ie 17 CW and SSB without interfering with each other.

Directive CQ’s

OC and AF can call anytime regardless of any directive CQ ie CQ NA, CQ USA ,etc.  When CQ NA that is okay for SA also.

Back on track

We finally got back on track with our back channel comm so hopefully smoother from here on in.  They have all the computers uploading  to Clublog now and should be up to date.  The number they show on their computers matches with Clublog so if you don’t see your Q in Clublog I would consider reworking them. They… Read More »

Antennas all up

I had a brief conversation with N7QT, Rob, today.  He said all the HF antennas are up.  Weather is hot and they are exhausted.  They should be back to 1819 tomorrow, the originally listed frequency.  Also when they do 40 SSB again they will use 7120 approx. . There was some question on a station signing VK9MA this morning,… Read More »


They are aware of clublog discrepancies but at this time whether they can be resolved is unknown.  They were on 160 this morning with good signals as far as the east coast USA but did not have the receiving antennas in place yet.  They should have those going by tomorrow sunset.